Red Secure VAPT Services.

Red Secure VAPT Services.

Cyber criminals are continuously targeting enterprise applications, mobile applications and APIs. A web application and API penetration testing helps to simulating attacks on a system in an attempt to gain access to sensitive data or misuse resources. The overall testing process helps with the purpose of determining whether a system is secure. The tests are performed…

Cyber Security, VAPT & Infra Solutions | RedSecure

Cyber Security, VAPT & Infra Solutions | RedSecure

Greetings to you…. With regards to this mail, I would like to introduction about our company, We, @ RedSecure Middle East is a system integrator company providing solutions in VAPT, Cyber Security, Networking, Network Security and Endpoint Security Solutions. We have expertise in wide range of security products like Firewall / UTM, Endpoint Security, DMARC…

 Best Security Practices designed to beat systems before attackers do it

 Best Security Practices designed to beat systems before attackers do it

“Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility,and it boils down to this: In Cybersecurity,The more systems we secure, The more secure we all are”  All organizations are just a single data breach away from being the lead story on the news and social media, which can severely damage an organization’s brand reputation. Regular security assessments helps in…

What is the level of Cybersecurity Awareness in your Team?

What is the level of Cybersecurity Awareness in your Team?

The latest reports reveal that the overall number of data breaches (1,862) was up by 68% compared to 2021, and that 33% comprised of phishing, smishing, or BEC attacks. Ransomware was next in line on the threat list, accounting for 22% of all cyberattacks and breaches. Statistics such as these discussed in cybersecurity news items…

 Only Attacks Can Help You Avoid Attacks!

 Only Attacks Can Help You Avoid Attacks!

“Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and it boils down to this: In Cybersecurity,The more systems we secure, The more secure we all are”  How many times have we seen that an organization comes to know about its cybersecurity loophole only after it was attacked. All recent big breaches had this scenario. Till the time adversaries…

Next year, cybercriminals will be as busy as ever. Are you ready?

Next year, cybercriminals will be as busy as ever. Are you ready?

Going into 2023, cybersecurity is still topping the list of CIO concerns. This comes as no surprise. In the first half of 2022, there were 2.8 billion worldwide malware attacks and 236.1 million ransomware attacks. By year end 2022, it is expected that six billion phishing attacks will have been launched. Here are eight top security threats that IT is likely…